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sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Peace Peace Peace

Hello everybody, I am back with news in Ecuador and my life, thanks for all my friends around the world who always send me mails about me life, very sweet of you guys, miss you all always...

Well, some days ago, 1st march exactly, we had a big problem in the Ecuadorian border in the north of Ecuador, some people from "Las FARC" irregular military force from Colombia were in ecuadorian territory in an illegal way; so in the morning Colombian army attacked our land without permission...

Some people died and Ecuadorian president decided to break relationship with Colombia, visit some countries to tell about that situation, to summon Rio Group and OEA...

Thanks to the diplomacy, we could solve this problem between brothers, Colombia apologized and Ecuador accepted it and all countries supported our tesis, not USA but we will go on our relationship between us...

We hope all things and accusations end as soon as possible to stablish again our normal life between the countries...

Viva Ecuador, Viva Colombia, Viva Latinoamerica...

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