After being LCP in my great LC Guayaquil, then became MCP in Ecuador, I thought in the new things I will expect in this period of life, all the great experience that I had during my term, I know now that everything is going to be different, but it is a new chance for me to increase in all sense...
For that reason, I will always remember all my sons and dauthers (interns) during my period as LCP who became my friends and my greats CEEDers too...thats why I always say I have a house in almost all europe hehehe, and it is true ;)
Here they are: ATAMI Famylly, hehe Aneta (Poloand), Tommaso (Italy), Agniezka (Poland), Meeli (Estonia), Ina (Romania)...great people...what about Alain (Canada) and Marco (Suitzerland), my twins...Annelies and Anouk (Holland), Sabine (Austria), Felix (Siutzerland), Evelyn (Belgium), Tarmo and Kriistina (Findland), Vanja (Slovenia)...
And of course my first match in AIESEC...Sarah (Australia)...and my amazing friends too...Monika (Poland), Ash (USA), Bethan (England), Janine (Germany), Piet (Holland), Hugo (Portugal), Sttefan (Suitzerland), Eva (Check Rep), Sandra (Suitzerland), Fotis (Greece)...you are always in my mind...
The same with the best CEEDers ever...who worked a lot to increase my LC perfomance...Matt and Aurelie (Canada), Ewa (Poland), Triinu (Estinia), Ines (Holland), Glendy (Peru) Ling (canada) and Jordis (Germany)...and sure I will not forget, Steph and Fred (France),Nele (Germany) and my great sister Gisela from Germany too, miss you all of you guys...