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lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2007

Finally at IC 2007

What an ecuadorian does always is "regatear", is like negociate in some way, after some discussions, try to speak in English and finally arrived to a point with some taxy drivers, we arrived to the place where IC was...

I consider myself I puntual person, but definetly first day at IC was not, I was completelly lost the first day try to find our room, our dormitory, where was MCPs meeting, where to arrange finaltial situation, and I am not counting that one of my bags was damaged...

Anyway I arrived late to my first Global meeting with PAI and all MCPs after to arrange all problems, I was like one hour late my God, the good thing was that when I arrived everybody knew who I was, even PAI, but not cause the knew my face, it was cause I was the only one who did not arrive on time :(

I entered directly in front of everybody and my place was just in front of Gabriela (PAI) hehehe I was in fron of her my God, so I updated about everything and enjoyed my fisrt meeting with my colleage...

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