What I discover is a great culture, very nice people, specially boys with girls, they are extremelly coquettish with girls, really it was like a cultural shock, even for the girls, for me was really funy and interesting in some ways...
The food was really delicious, I always wanted to eat in different restaurants with diffirent tastes, really nice. It was fun sometime that Turkis people most of the time talked to me in Turkish cause they thought I was turkish, so after explain I was lating it changed, so maybe I was turkish before :)
I learned more about Muslim people, custums and why they do many different thing than Catholics, I am very curious and always asked until the minimun, I adapted, respected and enjoyed thier culture and religion and I discover the way they praise ALA (God), really niteresting...
I learned about thier history, the mosque, way of dressing, everything had a why, every single thing and every single thing opened my curiosity to discover more and more...
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