She said Jorge dont go home if Franchesca doesnt see you here, she wont talk to you any more, you are her best friend...shittttttttttttttttt....
Imagine, I entered with my AIESEC t-shirt to the church but what a surprise??? franchesca was not there, just Cristina...she never arrived heheheeh....the mass ended, we saw Cristina and nobody knew about her, even her mum (she is russian)...
Then we go to ceremony, we still waiting for her...Gina called her, she said she was on the way..until now really I dont understand what it means, to be on the way...cause some minutes later we were still waiting...
I became more annoying when the ceremony started and she was not there, my god, I didnt do what to do, so I went to talk with some people to say stupids things and said please dont start my girlfriend is not here yet....
Anyway, imagine, me with my AIESEC t-shirt, they didnt pay attention and they started....then I went to Gina and said I cant do more hehehehe...the graduation was already started and Franchesca was not there, I said "ohhh earth eats me now"....
Then like magic she appeared, we were like at the end, she saw us and come to kiss us, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I said dont come go to sit in front come on ¡¡¡¡
Finally, everything was cool, they graduated, we took pics and I came back home, changed clothes and went to the party...
Anyaway, cogratulations Franchesca and Cristina, I love you so much, I am so proud of you really....
3 comentarios:
Muy buena la descripción de la graduación de Franchis y Cristina... Leyendola sentí que estaba ahí.. sobre todo en la espera de Franchis! jajaja
la verdad es que hubiera sido interesante que ella haya llegado temprano, de hecho me hubiera sentido mal si ella hubiera llegado a la misa antes que yo jejeje Muchas gracias por las felicitaciones Jorgito, fue muy chévere haberlos visto en la ceremonia :D
i went to daniella's graduation in university and there was two people graduating :D
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