I was talking with Franchesca around the city and we wanted to pass one big street and in Ecuador if you wanna pass you must be very carefully, so when we tried to pass all cars stoped, yesssssssssss all cars and they said "pass please" my god we felt like what happended here....
Next we were looking for a bottle of water, I asked one person in the street and he went with us like 5 blocks, we got the water and he said do you need anythng else? I said not thanks and he said really do you need? I said not sir thanks and he continued, so I became annoying cause so much kindness...
In the beach, until now I dont know why a dog followed my firned Hector for all the beach, really strange and it was like the dog took care of us, I think he smelled badly hehehe........

the cultural shock was when Ivan asked in the terminal the bus to continue to Argentina and they said that next "flight" leaves soon, so he came to us and said: Guys we can take a plane to Brasil, all of us were happy and I came back with him to buy the tickets and we realized that in Chile when you want to take a bus the called to take a "flight".......can you imagine?
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